Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Assigning roles!

The date has been fixed. The venue has been chosen (and maybe paid for). Some preferred vendors for certain items have been identified. The desired flow for the “big day” has been envisioned...

...But... does a simple and never-bitten-more-than-she-can-chew lady string all the scattered deliverables together without becoming “Bridezilla”?

In this regard, we have to consider the fact that the individual has a life before the event which cannot stop in the process of the event. Thus, such an individual have to expand their daily activities to accommodate the additional responsibilities.

Organising an event that reflects finesse in its entire execution only requires a small-but-mighty detail called Critical Path

Critical path (a.k.a Assignment of tasks) is a prepared list of time-bound tasks that needs to be accomplished along with the details of who is responsible for them and the deadline for same.

Regardless of the style chosen in defining a critical path, the core essence and the result guaranteed by the delegations is sure to define the user as meticulous (although some people may call them fussy).

Imagine what the path below can achieve for a prospective event convener:

With a basic program such as Microsoft Excel, a detailed critical path can be created!

What are you still waiting for?

Draw your laptop closer and start defining your event’s critical path NOW!